Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Spring

After what feels like the longest winter of our lives, we’re starting to wake up to sunlight and green grass.    

We would be lying if we said every day isn't a challenge, and we don't expect it to be any different. We miss Hadley constantly. We're adding things (like planting trees) to our lives to make sure there will always be reminders of her; at the same time we are trying to heal and move forward. Finding this balance in our lives is a challenge, but we feel like we're doing as well as we could hope. The arrival of Spring, our home, our boys (Berk & Scout), each other, and our incredible friends and family are what have pulled us through this dark winter. We are picking up the pieces and again moving forward. We know some days will be harder than others, but thankfully we have each other to lean on and this crazy old house to keep us busy.

With the unofficial start of summer right around the corner, we're now making plans for a busy couple of months ahead and letting ourselves enjoy the little things in life once again.

We spent most of Spring so far getting our big outside projects completed so we can enjoy summer out on the boat and up at the cabin!  We thought we would share a few of the things keeping us busy these last few weeks:

The boring stuff:  Garage Organization and Yard Cleanup

Ry installed peg board in the garage to keep The Franks organized

We were still raking leaves from last fall:)

I painted the lamp post since it had faded...

Ry filled in weird sinkhole type areas in the yard with dirt from the "compost" area in the back


We ordered 7 yards of mulch that we spread in a day:)

The Frank Garden:
As some of you may know- Ryan had a run in with a few furry friends last year. So this year, Ry and his Dad built somewhat of a garden fortress to keep those pesky rabbits and deer out:):

Now that we have completed the bulk of our Spring to do lists- we'll start sharing the more exciting home decorating projects we have cooking both inside and out:)  

Happy early Memorial Day weekend- we hope you all have fun plans and the weather cooperates!

We'll leave you with the view from our front yard of last nights sunset over the lake...

Em and Ry

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